
The Pow­er of PR Par­ent­ing: How to Raise Con­fi­dent, Resilient, and Suc­cess­ful Chil­dren Using Pub­lic Rela­tions Strategies

September 1, 2021

The Pow­er of PR Par­ent­ing offers a fresh approach to par­ent­hood based on the expe­ri­ence and per­spec­tives of Mar­jie Hadad, a glob­al pub­lic rela­tions expert who used her pro­fes­sion­al skills to raise her now three grown chil­dren. Mar­jie shares her per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al jour­neys as well as her suc­cess­es and mis­takes to illus­trate how to mir­ror her wins and avoid the same hic­cups. With humor and straight talk, Mar­jie shows how to use strate­gic PR tech­niques to help your child:

•Part with their paci­fi­er willingly
•Devel­op supe­ri­or writ­ing, lan­guage and pre­sen­ta­tion skills
•Build self-con­fi­dence, self-love, resilience, respect & tolerance
•Deal with bul­lies and sex­u­al preda­tors – online and on the street
•Han­dle crises in today’s post pan­dem­ic world – small and large
•Make the effort and enjoy the journey
and you to:
•Look at time differently
•Strike a more har­mo­nious work-fam­i­ly balance
•Keep your cool with 10 balls in the air and the pres­sure rising
•Be more present for your child
•Carve out mom­my me time
•Grant your child the oppor­tu­ni­ty to soar on their own

Discussion Questions

Cour­tesy of Mar­jorie Hadad

  1. What are your top three take aways from the book? How did these change your thinking?

  2. Which sto­ry in the book could you relate to the most? And why?

  3. How would you answer the exer­cise ques­tions in each chapter?

  4. When you asked your kids whose advice they think of when they are at a cross­road- how did they answer?

  5. What did you learn from your kids’ response?

  6. What would you like them to answer?

  7. How would you answer the same question?

  8. What super­pow­er can you share with your child to help enrich their lives? Share a story.

  9. Which PR prac­tice is new to you and are you most excit­ed to try? And why?

  10. What pos­i­tive lessons have you learned from one of your men­tors that you would like to exer­cise at home to ben­e­fit your family?