
The Rab­bi Wore a Collar

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Rab­bi Daniels is invit­ed by a group of Jesuit Priests to join them as they trav­el to Nicaragua. They tell him that the claims of anti­semitism alleged by the US gov­ern­ment against the San­din­ista gov­ern­ment are lies. The rab­bi con­tacts the State Depart­ment and is told that if he goes down to Nicaragua as a rab­bi, he will be killed. The Jesuits promise to pro­tect him by hid­ing him as one of their own. How­ev­er, his iden­ti­ty is revealed as he becomes the defense attor­ney for when one of the priests who is accused of killing a nun. This sto­ry nat­u­ral­ly inte­grates Jew­ish top­ics, rit­u­als, and Jew­ish val­ues as the rab­bi inter­acts with his Jesuit col­leagues. This book, along with two oth­ers new­ly edit­ed Rab­bi Wore” mur­der mys­ter­ies, have been used to teach Judaism by Jew­ish book clubs, con­ver­sion, and basic Judaism class­es. Sim­ply put, read­ing a mur­der mys­tery that includes a great deal of Jew­ish con­tent makes the study of Judaism rel­e­vant and very excit­ing as one tries to fig­ure out who done it.’

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