
The Rat­line: The Exalt­ed Life and Mys­te­ri­ous Death of a Nazi Fugitive

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

A tale of Nazi lives, mass mur­der, love, cold war espi­onage, a mys­te­ri­ous death in the Vat­i­can – and the Rat­line,” the Nazi escape route to Per­on’s Argenti­na. Baron Otto von Wáchter, Aus­tri­an lawyer, hus­band, father, high Nazi offi­cial, senior SS offi­cer, for­mer gov­er­nor of Gali­cia dur­ing the war, cre­ator and over­seer of the Krakow ghet­to, indict­ed after as a war crim­i­nal for the mass mur­der of more than 100,000 Poles, hunt­ed by the Sovi­ets, the Amer­i­cans, the British, by Simon Wiesen­thal, on the run for three years, from 1945 to 1948.

Philippe Sands pieces togeth­er, in riv­et­ing detail, Wáchter’s extra­or­di­nary, shock­ing story.

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