
The Schlemiel Kids Save the Moon

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Oy, Chelm. Long known as home to the wis­est” peo­ple in Yid­dish folk­lore. But what is Chelm like today? What if the kids were more clever than the rest of the towns­folk? When the mis­guid­ed adults of mod­ern-day Chelm believe the moon has plunged into the lake, it’s up to the Schlemiel sib­lings to con­vince the grown-ups that their fears of a fall­en moon are unfound­ed. Join Sarah and Sam in this hilar­i­ous twist on a clas­sic Yid­dish folk­tale as they use team­work, inno­va­tion, and patience to save the day…and night!

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