
The Search Committee

Marc Angel
  • Review
By – January 30, 2012

In his first work of fic­tion, Rab­bi Marc Angel cre­ates a dynam­ic stage for the com­pet­ing worlds in an Ortho­dox learn­ing insti­tu­tion. The set­ting is the Board Room of an estab­lished yeshi­va cre­at­ed in the philo­soph­i­cal learn­ing style of the old school” Lithuanian/​Polish yeshiv­ot. The sto­ry unfolds through a series of inter­views con­duct­ed by the Search Com­mit­tee as it looks for the next head of the Torah Acad­e­my. Two can­di­dates — from oppo­site ends of the Ortho­dox spec­trum — are being con­sid­ered for the posi­tion. The con­trast­ing inter­views dis­close the deep-seat­ed belief of each group that it has the unequiv­o­cal for­mu­la for how to live the cor­rect” Ortho­dox life. 

The heat­ed tone is set from the very first inter­view, giv­en by the grand­son of the first head rab­bi of the yeshi­va. His aston­ish­ment that a search com­mit­tee would have been estab­lished to choose some­one oth­er than him­self, who was groomed for this posi­tion, reveals the obdu­rate atti­tude toward change that the estab­lished Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty lives by. Rab­bi Marc Angel, who him­self is cur­rent­ly at the fore­front of a sim­i­lar debate with­in the Mod­ern Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty, uses the sto­ry to pro­mote his agen­da, expos­ing the staid and sto­ic atti­tude of the right wing Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty. The con­trast­ing points of view giv­en in the book decid­ed­ly favor Marc Angel’s more mod­ern lenien­cy. How­ev­er, the sto­ry ends with a sur­pris­ing twist. Per­haps Rab­bi Angel’s book will encour­age the long over­due open dis­course that is nec­es­sary between the right wing Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty and its more mod­ern counterpoint.

Helene Rothen­berg is a prac­tic­ing attor­ney at Rosen­feld & Maid­en­baum, LLP, and is a mem­ber of Young Israel of Wood­mere, NY.

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