
The Secret Steal­ers: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

Anna Cavanaugh is a rest­less young wid­ow and bril­liant French teacher at a pri­vate school in Wash­ing­ton, DC. Every­thing changes when she’s recruit­ed into the Office of Strate­gic Ser­vices by fam­i­ly friend and leg­endary WWI hero Major Gen­er­al William Dono­van.

Dono­van has faith in her, and in all his glo­ri­ous ama­teurs” who are becom­ing Anna’s fast friends: Mag­gie, Anna’s down-to-earth men­tor; Irene, who’s strug­gling to find sup­port from her hus­band for her clan­des­tine life; and Julia, a cheer­ful OSS liai­son. But the more Anna learns about the orga­ni­za­tion’s secret mis­sions, the more she longs to be sta­tioned abroad. Then comes the oppor­tu­ni­ty: go under­cov­er as a spy in the French Resis­tance to help steal crit­i­cal intel­li­gence that could ulti­mate­ly turn the tide of the war.

Dis­patched behind ene­my lines and in con­stant dan­ger, Anna is filled with adren­a­line, pas­sion, and fear. She’s dri­ven to make a dif­fer­ence‚ for her coun­try and for her­self. What­ev­er the risk, she’s will­ing to take it to help lib­er­ate France from the shad­ows of occu­pa­tion and to free her­self from the shad­ows of her for­mer life.

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