
The Shal­lows

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

In the words of Lee Child, I want more of Nils Shapiro.” New York Times best­selling and Emmy Award-win­ning writer Matt Gold­man hap­pi­ly oblig­es by bring­ing the Min­neapo­lis pri­vate detec­tive back for anoth­er thrilling and twisty ride in The Shal­lows. New fans as well as long­time ones will find much to enjoy in this page-turn­ing and sus­pense­ful trip from the award-win­ning TV writer and producer. 

Busi­ness is boom­ing for pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor Nils Shapiro and his part­ners. Lawyer Todd Rabi­nowitz is found tied to the dock out­side his Min­neso­ta home with a fish­ing stinger through his jaw. His wid­ow, Robin, calls Nils to the crime scene and asks him to inves­ti­gate her husband’s sav­age mur­der. She’s not the only one. Soon, Nils has more job offers then he can han­dle. Robin’s boyfriend. Todd’s part­ner at his law firm. One of Todd’s clients, a polar­iz­ing Con­gres­sion­al can­di­date. The local police, in over their heads. The FBI. Their motives are com­pli­cat­ed at best, and as Nils unrav­els the con­vo­lut­ed case, the bod­ies pile up. Some­one doesn’t want him to dis­cov­er what hap­pened to Todd, and won’t stop until they silence Nils as well. Gold­man once again uses his tal­ents for sto­ry­telling, char­ac­ter-build­ing, and dia­logue to cre­ate a mem­o­rable, irrev­er­ent PI who solves a twist­ed tale.

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