
The Shoe­mak­er’s Daughter

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Based on the true sto­ry of a poor Jew­ish cou­ple — Aron the tal­ent­ed shoe­mak­er, and his indomitable woman Gitel — and how their pas­sion and brava­do helps them elude the esca­lat­ing Nazi net of ter­ror rav­aging Poland, The Shoemaker’s Daugh­ter is sen­su­ous his­tor­i­cal fic­tion nov­el weav­ing the com­plex world that exist­ed between gen­tiles and Jews. After Aron’s escape from a Ger­man sta­lag, the cou­ple is hid­den in deplorable con­di­tions by hon­or­able Poles — but there is still no safe­ty in their home­town, even after lib­er­a­tion. Aron and Gitel must chance a dan­ger­ous escape to free­dom through the Czech moun­tains and the bogs of the Ger­man Black For­est, but Gitel car­ries a pre­cious secret that may derail every­thing they have fought for — and time is not on their side.

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