
The Spe­cif­ic Edge: How Sus­tained Effort Wins in Busi­ness and Life

  • From the Publisher
June 3, 2015

Many peo­ple have the mis­con­cep­tion that suc­cess is the result of innate tal­ent, dumb luck, or a mag­ic for­mu­la. In real­i­ty, win­ners suc­ceed through a com­bi­na­tion of three things: con­cen­tra­tion to retain focus, dis­ci­pline to con­tin­u­al­ly improve, and endurance to over­come obsta­cles. The Spe­cif­ic Edge is a blue­print for the aver­age per­son to achieve suc­cess far above aver­age. This book pro­vides a guide for read­ers to dis­cov­er their spe­cif­ic edge and devel­op a strat­e­gy to out­smart their com­peti­tors, sus­tain the effort, and avoid burn-out. Mike Wien gives read­ers tan­gi­ble ideas on how to live life with more pas­sion and pur­pose by shar­ing hard-earned insights from his 28-year career in lead­er­ship roles in mar­ket­ing at Frito-Lay, Pep­si, Omni Hotels, Citibank, and Deloitte. These insights are com­bined with strate­gies learned dur­ing the past 12 years – from when he ditched cor­po­rate life to become an Iron­man Triath­lete, com­pet­ing on the world stage. This book is ide­al for any­one look­ing for inspi­ra­tion and the tools to define a future filled with oppor­tu­ni­ties that play to their great­est strengths.

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