
The Sto­ry of Your Obsti­nate Survival

December 19, 2023

Daniel Kha­lastchi bold­ly strides across a land­scape of smol­der­ing fires, unmarked box­es, and pic­tures of sen­a­tors in air­plane bath­rooms. Exhil­a­rat­ing and inno­v­a­tive, The Sto­ry of Your Obsti­nate Sur­vival col­laps­es genre and upends nar­ra­tive con­ven­tion with daz­zling word­play and thrilling imagery. Inhab­it­ing a world trapped some­where between dreams and real­i­ty, these poems fuse the polit­i­cal and per­son­al, pub­lic and pri­vate, pleas­ing and piquant, to exam­ine both calami­ties and the dogged per­sis­tence required to endure. On dis­play through­out is Kha­lastchi’s excep­tion­al capac­i­ty for detail and speci­fici­ty, fill­ing up this world to the point of break­ing but nev­er beyond, insist­ing on sur­vival despite it all.

Discussion Questions

The Sto­ry of Your Obsti­nate Sur­vival is a bold­ly imag­i­na­tive col­lec­tion of poems set in the apoc­a­lyp­tic present, where faith and faith­less­ness coin­cide in a speak­er eager for belief” who nev­er­the­less wres­tles with the lega­cy of lost belief” and the loos­en­ing of famil­ial oblig­a­tion / in favor of mod­ern growth.” 

Khalastchi’s poem titles are as hard to pin down as the poems them­selves, from The Immi­nent Decline of Every­thing We’ve Under­stood to Be What Gov­erns Our Priv­i­leged Dai­ly Lives,” to A For­mi­da­ble Plan to Address the Nation­al Con­ven­tion.” The lat­ter opens with the speak­er in a South Flori­da gro­cery store, where he is being cross-exam­ined by women who don’t believe // I’ve bought enough to eat”; he soon finds him­self in one of their kitchens, where the range is // elec­tric because gas is how their / par­ents died.” In Oh, I Think About the Dead,” a rab­bi who fell in-/ to a gravesite” has been com­muning” with the dead: Every day / she calls the congregation’s / phone tree and talks of // whose depart­ed she’s gone far with.”

Hilar­i­ous and heart­break­ing, The Sto­ry of Your Obsti­nate Sur­vival is a wit­ty, ten­der tour de force of con­tem­po­rary Jew­ish poetry.