
The Sword of David

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

The Sword of David is a high-action thriller set prin­ci­pal­ly in Jerusalem. Chaim Klein, a fear­less for­mer IDF offi­cer and now arche­ol­o­gist at the Wall is sent on an epic quest to find the Ten Com­mand­ments, after stum­bling across the Ark of the Covenant inside the Tem­ple Mount. On his jour­ney to Ethiopia, Lon­don, Paris, and Rome, Klein becomes armed with the mys­ti­cal sword of King David, while also work­ing to stop a simul­ta­ne­ous orches­trat­ed ter­ror­ist attack intend­ed to oblit­er­ate Israel and major West­ern cities across the globe.

The nov­el is filled with col­or­ful char­ac­ters, includ­ing Raf­sani who trained under the noto­ri­ous Car­los the Jack­al and worked for Sad­dam Hus­sein; Mossad agent Galit who works under­cov­er in Paris, Klein’s side­kick Dan Beer, Baroness Collins a mem­ber of the British Par­lia­ment and head of a long thought defunct secret orga­ni­za­tion, and oth­ers. The dra­mat­ic finale is stun­ning and unprece­dent­ed, yet exhilarating.

Licht­man exten­sive­ly researched the facts and his­to­ry relayed in the nov­el, as well as ter­ror­ism, includ­ing mul­ti­ple trips to Jerusalem and the Euro­pean cities.

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