
The Tat­tooed Rabbi

  • From the Publisher
February 28, 2012
He’s not your bubbes rebbe. And he’s not Jason Bourne in a kip­pah. Yes, Rab­bi Ben’s a mar­tial arts mas­ter, but most­ly because his zaideh sent him to YMHA class­es. He solves mys­ter­ies and cleans up mess­es — but Ben is nei­ther shamus nor shammes: He has a bril­liant mind, a Jew­ish heart, and a rabbi’s soul. Tough, but also sen­si­tive and kind. Hand­some in an under­sized way. Women pur­sue him, but he pines for his late wife, Rachel. Rab­bi Ben’s an M.I.T. grad with a class­mate net­work of foren­sic sci­en­tists — but prefers pon­der­ing the pecu­liar­i­ties of halacha to unrav­el­ing the enig­mas of evi­dence. Even so, his Sher­lock­ian pow­ers of obser­va­tion, enhanced with Tal­mu­dic log­ic, find things that police usu­al­ly miss. Is Ben the most unlike­ly rab­bi ever? Or the most ful­ly-real­ized sleuth to pock­et a pis­tol since Ray­mond Chandler’s Phillip Mar­lowe? Maybe both — except he doesn’t car­ry a gun. In this series debut, a Cal­i­for­nia shul hires Ben to see who’s mov­ing mil­lions through a ched­er schol­ar­ship account, and to deter­mine if a goy­ishe body is buried in the synagogue’s ceme­tery plots. You’ll like The Tat­tooed Rab­bis twisty, unpre­dictable sto­ry and vivid, unfor­get­table char­ac­ters. And you’ll love Rab­bi Ben. 

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