
The Torah Codes

Ezra Barany
  • From the Publisher
November 13, 2011
A reclu­sive com­put­er pro­gram­mer, Nathan Yir­mor­shy, pounds out ones andze­ros in the qui­et of his home in Oak­land, CA while his land­lord­se­cret­ly watch­es from behind a two-way mir­ror. When Nathan, an atheist,realizes his name is encod­ed in the book of Gen­e­sis, and that his­land­lord is part of a secret soci­ety bent on dri­ving Nathan to ful­fill adan­ger­ous Bib­li­cal prophe­cy, he must aban­don his famil­iar surroundings,open his heart to a tarot read­er he has nev­er met, and trust her with­his life — just as the ancient scrip­tures have fore­told. Can he unlock the­code before his land­lord destroys him? To do that Nathan must con­front adif­fi­cult truth: God exists and there’s more to Her than it seems.

Anap­pen­dix of essays by rab­bis, doc­tors, and physi­cists dis­cuss thethemes of the book, specif­i­cal­ly, the Bible codes and the Shek­inah, the­fe­male aspect of God.

Discussion Questions