November 13, 2011
A reclusive computer programmer, Nathan Yirmorshy, pounds out ones andzeros in the quiet of his home in Oakland, CA while his landlordsecretly watches from behind a two-way mirror. When Nathan, an atheist,realizes his name is encoded in the book of Genesis, and that hislandlord is part of a secret society bent on driving Nathan to fulfill adangerous Biblical prophecy, he must abandon his familiar surroundings,open his heart to a tarot reader he has never met, and trust her withhis life — just as the ancient scriptures have foretold. Can he unlock thecode before his landlord destroys him? To do that Nathan must confront adifficult truth: God exists and there’s more to Her than it seems.
Anappendix of essays by rabbis, doctors, and physicists discuss thethemes of the book, specifically, the Bible codes and the Shekinah, thefemale aspect of God.
Anappendix of essays by rabbis, doctors, and physicists discuss thethemes of the book, specifically, the Bible codes and the Shekinah, thefemale aspect of God.