
The Tri­al and Exe­cu­tion of the Trai­tor George Washington

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

A thought-pro­vok­ing nov­el that imag­ines what would have hap­pened if the British had suc­ceed­ed in kid­nap­ping Gen­er­al George Wash­ing­ton, for fans of alter­nate his­to­ries like The Plot Against Amer­i­ca, The Guns of the South and The Man in the High Castle.

British spe­cial agent Jere­mi­ah Black, an offi­cer of the King’s Guard, lands on a lone­ly beach in the wee hours of the morn­ing in late Novem­ber 1780. The rev­o­lu­tion is in full swing but has become dead­locked. Black is here to change all that.

His mis­sion, aid­ed by Loy­al­ists, is to kid­nap George Wash­ing­ton and spir­it him back to Lon­don aboard the HMS Pere­grine, a British sloop of war that is wait­ing close­ly off­shore. Once he lands, though, the aid by Loy­al­ists proves prob­lem­at­ic because some would pre­fer just to kill the gen­er­al out­right. Black man­ages just to get Wash­ing­ton aboard the Pere­grine, which sails away.

Upon their arrival in Lon­don, Wash­ing­ton is impris­oned in the Tow­er to await tri­al on charges of high trea­son. Eng­land’s most famous bar­ris­ters seek to rep­re­sent him but he insists on using an Amer­i­can. He choos­es Abra­ham Hob­house, an Amer­i­can-born bar­ris­ter with an Eng­lish wife, a man who does­n’t real­ly need the work and thinks the career-build­ing case will be eas­i­ly resolved through a set­tle­ment of the rev­o­lu­tion and Wash­ing­ton’s release. But as greater polit­i­cal and mil­i­tary forces swirl around them and peace seems ever more dis­tant, Hob­house finds that he is the only thing keep­ing Wash­ing­ton from the hang­man’s noose.

Draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from an actu­al kid­nap­ping plot hatched in 1776 by a mem­ber of Wash­ing­ton’s own Com­man­der-in-Chief’s Guards, Charles Rosen­berg has writ­ten a com­pelling nov­el that envi­sions what would take place if the leader of Amer­i­ca’s fledg­ling rebel­lion were tak­en from the nation at the height of the war, imper­il­ing any chance of victory.

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