
The Tzad­dik

  • From the Publisher
August 29, 2013
With a life jour­ney that tran­scends time and place, The Tzad­dik presents a metaphor for all human­i­ty by illu­mi­nat­ing how each of us may com­bine des­tiny with per­son­al choice to achieve mean­ing and pur­pose. In the year 2000, a unique soul born into a promi­nent fam­i­ly is endowed with the pow­er to effect vast change in our soci­ety. When he flees from the bur­den of his des­tiny, he is engaged by three teach­ers who guide him on a path that for­ev­er changes the world. Unit­ing heav­en and earth, com­bin­ing the spir­i­tu­al with the phys­i­cal, Prince enters both busi­ness and pol­i­tics, ris­ing to great promi­nence and cre­at­ing an intel­lec­tu­al debate through­out Amer­i­ca. With poignant rela­tion­ships and the skilled use of his­to­ry, socioe­co­nom­ics, and phi­los­o­phy, the author weaves togeth­er a sto­ry which leads its read­ers to con­sid­er pro­found spir­i­tu­al ques­tions and their rela­tion­ship with the Divine.

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