
The Whip­ping Club

  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
Deb Henry’s The Whip­ping Club, a clas­sic book club title, is set in 1960s Dublin and fol­lows the tra­vails of Mar­i­an McK­eev­er, a feisty, young Catholic school teacher, and Ben Ellis, the Jew­ish jour­nal­ist with whom she falls in love. Against all odds they plan to mar­ry – until a stunned Mar­i­an dis­cov­ers she’s preg­nant. Con­fused, over­whelmed by the onslaught of objec­tions to their mar­riage, and believ­ing that she is pro­tect­ing her future with Ben, Mar­i­an decides to hide her preg­nan­cy from him and deliv­ers the baby in secret. Assured that a bet­ter life with an Amer­i­can fam­i­ly awaits her infant Adri­an, Mar­i­an relin­quish­es him to the nuns of Castle­boro Moth­er Baby Home.

A decade lat­er, Ben and Mar­i­an, now wed, raise their ten-year-old daugh­ter, Johan­na. Out of the past walks the nurse who deliv­ered Adri­an. She con­fess­es to Mar­i­an that her young son has not been liv­ing in Amer­i­ca, but is insti­tu­tion­al­ized in a noto­ri­ous Catholic orphan­age and there is lit­tle hope for his sur­vival. Tor­ment­ed by guilt that has plagued her through­out her mar­riage, Mar­i­an con­fronts the truth and reveals this long-buried secret to her fam­i­ly. Putting every­thing she holds dear at risk, she deter­mines to bring her child home – and in so doing cor­rect the wrongs of her past and chal­lenge a soci­ety that chron­i­cal­ly serves up chil­dren to a cor­rupt and abu­sive child care sys­tem.

Set against the polit­i­cal back­drop of a hid­den Ire­land, where thou­sands of adults and chil­dren were forcibly sep­a­rat­ed in the 1950’s and 1960’s, The Whip­ping Club chron­i­cles young Adri­an Ellis’s per­ilous trav­els through, and escape from, the Irish Indus­tri­al School sys­tem. Inter­weav­ing the sto­ries of sev­er­al char­ac­ters, includ­ing an inmate-friend of Adri­an who does not sur­vive, and Adrian’s own father who must final­ly take a hero­ic stand to save his son, the nov­el rais­es pow­er­ful ques­tions about the nature of sin, guilt, and redemp­tion. It is both a wrench­ing fam­i­ly dra­ma and a chill­ing sus­pense sto­ry – one that explores the sac­ri­fi­cial secrets we keep to pro­tect our loved ones and the impact that uncov­ered secrets have on mar­riage, fam­i­ly and society.

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