
The Witch of Paint­ed Sorrows

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

Pos­ses­sion. Pow­er. Pas­sion. M. J. Rose cre­ates her most provoca­tive and mag­i­cal spell­binder yet in this goth­ic nov­el set against the lav­ish spec­ta­cle of 1890s Belle €poque Paris. San­drine Salome, a young Jew­ess, flees New York for her grand­moth­er’s Paris man­sion to escape her dan­ger­ous hus­band — but what she finds there is even more menacing.

Among the bohemi­ans and the demi-monde, San­drine dis­cov­ers her erot­ic nature as a lover and painter. But dark­er influ­ences threat­en — some­thing sin­is­ter is tak­ing hold, chang­ing San­drine, alter­ing her. She’s become pos­sessed by La Lune: A witch, a demon, a leg­end, and a six­teenth-cen­tu­ry cour­te­san who opens up her life to a dark­ness that may become a gift or a curse. Against her wish­es, Sandrine’s grand­moth­er arranges for their rab­bi to per­form an exor­cism. This is San­drine’s wild night of the soul,” her odyssey in the mag­nif­i­cent city of Paris, of art, love, and witchery.

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