
The Year of the Gadfly

  • From the Publisher
March 7, 2012
Sto­ried Mar­i­ana Acad­e­my was found­ed with a seri­ous hon­or code, its rep­u­ta­tion unsul­lied for decades. Now Prisom’s Par­ty threat­ens its placid halls. 
A bud­ding jour­nal­ist whose only con­fi­dant is the chain-smok­ing specter of Edward R. Mur­row, Iris Dupont knows that she can break into the ranks of the Party’s under­ground news­pa­per, and there uncov­er the real source of its black­mail schemes and vil­i­fy­ing rumors. Some involve a biol­o­gy teacher who, as one of Mariana’s only Jews, has long been held with sus­pi­cion. Oth­ers point to an albi­no stu­dent who left school abrupt­ly, nev­er to return. And every­thing con­nects to a rare book called Mar­velous Species. But the truth is not with­out its own dan­gers, leav­ing Iris torn between her alle­giances, her reporter’s instinct, and her own trou­bled past.

The Year of the Gad­fly is an exhil­a­rat­ing jour­ney of dou­ble-cross­es, long-buried secrets, and all the charge of ado­les­cence, fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of clas­sic school nov­els like Prep and The Secret His­to­ry, and remind­ing us how these years haunt our lives forever. 

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