
This Real­ly Isn’t About You

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Jean Han­nah Edel­stein was look­ing for love on OKCu­pid the night she lost her father. She had recent­ly moved back to Amer­i­ca to be clos­er to her par­ents, leav­ing behind the good friends, bad dates, and ques­tion­able career moves that defined her twen­ties. But six weeks after she arrived in New York her father died of can­cer – and six months after that she learnt she had inher­it­ed the gene that deter­mined his fate. Heart­break­ing, hope­ful, and dis­arm­ing­ly fun­ny, This Real­ly Isn’t About You is a book about find­ing your way in life even when life has oth­er plans.

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