
This Ter­ri­ble True Thing: A Visu­al Novel

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

In this heart­break­ing mul­ti­me­dia debut — filled with draw­ings, poems, and jour­nal entries — author Jen­ny Laden draws on her own expe­ri­ence to cre­ate a sto­ry of grief and tran­scen­dence, per­fect for fans of Francesca Zap­pia and Jen­nifer Niv­en. 

Danielle Sil­ver is a Philadel­phia high school senior at the dawn of the 90s. Ever since her par­ents split up, she has known her father was gay, but she nev­er expect­ed to be hit with the bomb­shell that he is HIV pos­i­tive. As he sick­ens, and AIDS starts to claim the lives of his friends, Danielle search­es for sil­ver lin­ings while try­ing to bal­ance par­a­lyz­ing fear, grief, her social life, and school­work — cap­tur­ing all the feel­ings as ado­les­cence and some hard facts collide.

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