
Three Wish­es: A True Sto­ry of Good Friends, Crush­ing Heart­break, and Aston­ish­ing Luck on Our Way to Love and Motherhoo

Carey Gold­berg, Beth Jones, Pamela Fer­di­nand
  • From the Publisher
September 3, 2013
Carey, Beth, and Pam had suc­ceed­ed at work but failed at romance, and each resolved to have a baby before time ran out. Just one prob­lem: no men. Carey took the first bold step towards sin­gle moth­er­hood, search­ing anony­mous donor banks until she found the per­fect match. 

What she found was not a father in a vial, but a sort of mag­ic potion. She met a man, fell in love, and got preg­nant the old-fash­ioned way. She passed the vials to Beth, and it hap­pened again. Beth met a man, Beth got preg­nant. Beth passed the vials to Pam, and the mag­ic struck again. There were set­backs and dis­ap­point­ments, but three women became three fam­i­lies, rev­el­ing in the shared joy of love, friend­ship, and nev­er los­ing hope.

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