To You I Call: Psalms Throughout Our Lives by Rabbi Jade Sank Ross sorts seventy-two chapters of the Book of Psalms into six different categories: anticipation, commemoration, despair, gratitude, pain, and relief. These six categories capture moments in one’s life when one seeks spiritual guidance. Rabbi Richard N. Levy’s modern translation of the psalms makes the ancient words accessible to all readers, both those who are familiar with the text and those who are reading it for the first time. Above each psalm, a Hebrew verse is presented, and Rabbi Sank Ross introduces the psalm.
The majority of the book is composed of Rabbi Richard N. Levy’s translation of the psalms; one wonders why his name does not appear on the cover. His translation wonderfully modernizes the words of the psalmist. Rabbi Sank Ross’s explanations of the psalms can be applied to any translation of the Book of Psalms (or the original Hebrew text).
Rabbi Sank Ross shows that the psalms can be used for personal situations, such as making life-changing decisions (Psalm 1) as well as national situations, such as before an election (Psalm 111). Psalm 37 prays for the growth of an embryo, and Psalm 27, which is traditionally read at funerals, can be referenced when choosing to end a pregnancy. There are many times when individuals and communities alike may seek healing words from Jewish tradition.
Although the full translation is not included in this volume, Rabbi Sank Ross suggests other chapters of psalms that also relate to the situation at hand. To You I Call can be read many times, and each time a reader will find new meanings, interpretations, and connections in the words of the psalms and Rabbi Sank Ross’s commentary.
Rabbi Ellen S. Wolintz-Fields serves as Executive Director of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism. She holds a Bachelors of Arts in Religion from Barnard College and a Bachelors of Arts in Talmud, a Masters Degree in Jewish Women’s Studies and Rabbinic Ordination from the Jewish Theological Seminary.