– March 14, 2012
Bright pictures, exotic people and places, an engaging plot, and the laws of proper speech. This book has managed to intertwine all of the above. The book is the second volume in a series based on the lessona- day teachings of the Chofetz Chaim. Yisrael and Mayer are caught in time and space travel visiting Torah personalities and significant events in Jewish history while keeping a diary of their excursion and what they learn about proper speech. The book is designed to be read subsequent to the first volume, as the full background is not provided. However, even without the background, the exotic time travel locations visited by Yisrael and Mayer both aesthetically and inquisitively engage the reader. By reading one page a day, one adventure a day becomes one law learned a day. The dedications on the bottom of each page (unusual for a picture book) as well as the numerous letters in the beginning may be distracting to readers. However, the teaching opportunities as a family outweigh the distractions. A parent and child sitting down together may use the daily page as a springboard to discuss world events, Jewish world history (e.g. the inquisition, Rabbeinu Yonah), places around the world (e.g. Venice, Kazan, Baghdad) and as is the impetus behind the book, the laws of proper speech. The book is appropriate to be learned with an adult for ages 8 – 13, or as a family for all ages.
Andrea Davidson is the librarian of The Temple-Tifereth Israel in Beachwood, Ohio. She holds an M.L.S. from the University of Michigan and is a former member of the Sydney Taylor Book Awards Committee. She enjoys trying out the books she reviews on the kids at the Temple and on her grandchildren.