
Two Bites Too Many: A Sarah Blair Mystery

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
Things are final­ly look­ing up for Sarah Blair fol­low­ing her unsa­vory divorce. Set­tled into a cozy car­riage house with her sassy Siamese cat, RahRah, she has some­how man­aged to hang on to her law firm recep­tion­ist job and — if befriend­ing flea-bit­ten strays at the local ani­mal shel­ter counts — lead a thriv­ing social life. For once, Sarah almost has it togeth­er more than her enter­pris­ing twin, Emi­ly, a pro­fes­sion­al chef whose efforts to open a gourmet restau­rant have hit a real dead-end. When the pres­i­dent of the town bank and city coun­cil is mur­dered after icing Emily’s busi­ness plans, all eyes are on the one per­son who left the scene with blood on her hands – the twins’ sharp-tongued moth­er, May­belle. Deter­mined to get her mom off the hook ASAP, Sarah must col­lect the ingre­di­ents of a dead­ly crime to bring the true cul­prit to jus­tice. But as neigh­bors turn against her fam­i­ly, can she pare down the sus­pects before anoth­er vic­tim lands on the chop­ping block?

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