
unRE­AL Edu­ca­tion: Beyond Report Cards

  • From the Publisher
April 30, 2012
This book was writ­ten for every par­ent who has ever strug­gled with that uneasy, anx­ious, appre­hen­sive gut feel­ing. You’re con­vinced some­thing is wrong or per­haps dif­fer­ent with your child but you just can’t put your fin­ger on it. You talk to any­one who will lis­ten. They sug­gest this or tell you to do that. You know deep inside that it prob­a­bly isn’t the solu­tion, but you are not the expert, so you do what you are told. Slow­ly, the school year goes by and noth­ing changes. Some­times you start to feel like you are going crazy, that you are obsess­ing.

This book is for any par­ent, who has lost hope. It is for the par­ent who needs to ask ques­tions, but does not know where to find answers. I hope, through our sto­ry, some par­ents will feel empow­ered enough to fight for their child, no mat­ter what it takes, with­out fear of ret­ri­bu­tion, from their school sys­tem. You are your child’s best advo­cate. You need to speak up!

What­ev­er issues you might be hav­ing with your child, there is some­thing in our sto­ry for every­one. Includ­ed are actu­al paper­work. I want to share the pain, the fear, the joy, the uncer­tain­ty, some direc­tion and hope­ful­ly some insight.


Discussion Questions