
Walk the Earth as Brothers

  • From the Publisher
July 24, 2023

Two Jew­ish broth­ers plan futures full of achieve­ment and maybe fame. But War­saw in the sum­mer of 1939 is no place for dream­ers.
Ian is thrown west to Paris. There, he unex­pect­ed­ly falls in love with Ali­cia, a mys­te­ri­ous French­woman, but then must leave her to race across France to safe­ty in Casablan­ca. Daniel ends up in the Siber­ian Gulag, where he faces bliz­zards, star­va­tion, and the often-lethal cru­el­ties of guards and fel­low pris­on­ers. He too finds some­one, an exiled poet named Nad­hya, until he must choose: stay with her or cross all of Rus­sia to return to the future he’d envi­sioned.
Walk the Earth as Broth­ers is the sto­ry of two pawns in a titan­ic world war, of brav­ery, ran­dom chance, kind­ness, betray­al and love, and of what hap­pens to the hopes and dreams of Ian and Daniel.

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