
Walk­ing on Eggshells: Nav­i­gat­ing the Del­i­cate Rela­tion­ship Between Adult Chil­dren and Parents

  • From the Publisher
August 15, 2013
On giv­ing advice:
They Don’t Want It.
They Don’t Hear It.
They Resent It.
Don’t Give It.

We raise our chil­dren to be inde­pen­dent and lead ful­fill­ing lives, but when they final­ly do, stay­ing close becomes more com­pli­cat­ed than ever. And for every bewil­dered moth­er who won­ders why her chil­dren don’t call, there is a frus­trat­ed son or daugh­ter who just wants to be treat­ed like a grownup. Now, renowned edi­tor Jane Isay deliv­ers the per­fect gift to both par­ents and their adult chil­dren — real-life wis­dom and advice on how to stay togeth­er with­out falling apart.

Using exten­sive inter­views with peo­ple from ages twen­ty-five to sev­en­ty, Isay shows that we’re far from alone in our strug­gles to make this new, adult rela­tion­ship work. She offers up ground­break­ing insights and deeply mov­ing sto­ries that will inspire those in even the tough­est sit­u­a­tions. Isay’s warmth and wit shine through on every page as she charts an invalu­able course through the con­fus­ing, and often painful, inter­ac­tions par­ents and chil­dren can face. Walk­ing on Eggshells is the much-need­ed road map that will keep you con­nect­ed to the peo­ple you love most.

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