
War Wid­ow: How the Six Day War Changed My Life

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

How can I mar­ry this man?” Ziva asked her­self as she walked down a street in Tel Aviv. Her wed­ding was four weeks away, and her fiance, Yigal, had just point­ed out a woman he had slept with days ear­li­er. She knew then and there that her mar­riage would not be easy. But the invi­ta­tions had been sent, the prepa­ra­tions com­plet­ed, and she was in love, so she went ahead with the ceremony.

Three years lat­er Yigal suc­cumbed to injuries he had incurred dur­ing the bru­tal Six-Day War. It was such a shock to see his hor­rif­ic burns and to watch him die that Ziva mis­car­ried their unborn child.

Some­how she found the strength to car­ry on. Now, in War Wid­ow, she writes about her activism on behalf of oth­er child­less wid­ows, life as a young mil­i­tary wid­ow in Israel, and the many chal­lenges she faced.

An inspir­ing sto­ry of resilience and self-empow­er­ment, War Wid­ow mov­ing­ly demon­strates how it is pos­si­ble to move for­ward in the face of tragedy and help oth­ers in the process.

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