
We Were Nev­er Here

  • From the Publisher
June 29, 2016

Did you know your entire life can change in an instant? For six­teen-year-old Lizzie Stoller that moment is when she col­laps­es out of the blue. The next thing she knows, she’s in a hos­pi­tal with an ill­ness she’s nev­er heard of.

But that isn’t the only life-chang­ing moment for Lizzie. The oth­er is when Con­nor and his dog, Ver­laine, walk into her hos­pi­tal room. Lizzie has nev­er con­nect­ed with any­one the way she does with the hand­some teenage vol­un­teer. How­ev­er, the more time she spends with him and the deep­er in love she falls, the more she real­izes that Con­nor has secrets and a deep pain of his own … and that while being with him has the pow­er to make Lizzie for­get about her ill­ness, being with her might tear Con­nor apart.

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