
What If Tomor­row Nev­er Comes?

  • From the Publisher
January 21, 2014
Faced with nur­tur­ing his ter­mi­nal­ly ill daugh­ter and still griev­ing the sud­den death of his wife, Neil calls out to God and the response is silence. He finds him­self in spir­i­tu­al galut, a spir­i­tu­al exile that tears at the fab­ric which once com­prised the par­a­digm with­in which Neil con­nect­ed with his Cre­ator. He puts his hope in mod­ern sci­ence and the med­ical com­mu­ni­ty; they offer no answers. Neil is forced to reex­am­ine his faith in an effort to exit galut and strug­gles to break the par­a­digm that once served as the bridge between him and God. Through self-dis­cov­ery and the help of a rab­bi, Neil acknowl­edges that while cer­tain things may not be changed, he may change him­self to adapt to the cold winds that have chilled his life. With this new found under­stand­ing and rela­tion­ship with God, Neil for­ti­fies a new and stronger bond with his Cre­ator, allow­ing him to exit galut and serve God with joy. 

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