
What Jew­ish Looks Like

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2023

Com­piled by edu­ca­tor and author Liz Klein­rock and author Car­o­line Kusin Pritchard, this pow­er­ful inter­sec­tion­al anthol­o­gy cel­e­brates thir­ty-six Jew­ish heroes — from Tracee Ellis Ross, to Ezra Frech, to Doña Gra­cia Nasi. A first-ever col­lec­tion that dis­rupts the nar­ra­tive of how a Jew­ish per­son is per­ceived, What Jew­ish Looks Like includes acces­si­ble primers on impor­tant Jew­ish his­to­ry, a map, quotes, and much more!

Too many Jews have been told: You don’t look Jew­ish!” It begs the ques­tion, What does Jew­ish look like?” Well, there are over fif­teen mil­lion Jews in the world, which means there are more than fif­teen mil­lion ways to look and be Jew­ish. It can look like set­ting out meno­rahs on trib­al land, adding kim­chi to the seder plate, orga­niz­ing for change, and liv­ing out loud.

Shin­ing a light on Par­a­lympians and chefs, anthro­pol­o­gists and activists, dancers and dream­ers, the indi­vid­u­als in these pages rep­re­sent a range of iden­ti­ties. But they are thread­ed togeth­er by one unmis­tak­able truth: Their lives, work, and com­mit­ment to Jew­ish val­ues have changed our world for the bet­ter. These bold pro­files and inspir­ing every­day sto­ries come togeth­er to cre­ate a tapes­try that beau­ti­ful­ly reflects the mul­ti­fac­eted essence of the Jew­ish people.

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