
Where’s Whitey?

Kevin Weeks and Phyl­lis Karas
  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
How on earth did a nice Jew­ish bubbe, who has writ­ten ten pre­vi­ous books, end up writ­ing about the Mob? The sav­age South Boston Irish Mob, yet? And the head of this Mob, James Whitey Bul­ger, who spent 15 years on the FBI Most Want­ed List, want­ed for 14 (and that’s a low esti­mate) mur­ders? Well, it hap­pened and the result are three mob­ster books, one of which made it to the New York Times Best Sell­er List. And the third one, Where’s Whitey?, is now avail­able, a fic­tion­al account, writ­ten with the invalu­able assis­tance of Bul­ger’s top (and equal­ly dan­ger­ous) lieu­tenant, of exact­ly where the mob­ster spent his 16 years on the run.

Iron­i­cal­ly, Bul­ger was cap­tured in San­ta Mon­i­ca two days after Where’s Whitey? was pub­lished, mak­ing the book even more cur­rent.

Bul­ger is in a jail cell in MA, along with his com­pan­ion on the run, Cathy Greig, say­ing noth­ing, as he awaits tri­al for 14 plus mur­ders, but the book says it all. An inter­na­tion­al cat and mouse sto­ry of an FBI agent search­ing for the elu­sive mur­der­er, enlivened with the pres­ence of Cathy, his beau­ti­ful lover, makes for an excit­ing adven­ture and love story.

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