This rhyming tale is based on a midrash that highlights the importance of watching everyday speech and the value of carefully choosing one’s words. In this short story, the parts of the body argue as they attempt to prove which of them is the most important — which one is the king and master of them all. Each makes its case for superiority, but the tongue manages to demonstrate that by a misspoken word, the entire body can be put into existential danger, and that carefully and deliberately choosing what to say can often make the difference between life and death.
This cheerfully and humorously illustrated book is value-laden and can be used by teachers, group leaders, or parents to bring important lessons to life in group settings or one-on-one. It can aid in learning to navigate relationships and make friends, and is recommended for ages 3 to 6.
Michal Hoschander Malen is the editor of Jewish Book Council’s young adult and children’s book reviews. A former librarian, she has lectured on topics relating to literacy, run book clubs, and loves to read aloud to her grandchildren.