
Woman of Valor

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2023

Sal­ly Ster­ling nev­er intend­ed to embrace the Judaism of her ances­tors, but after her first love and Catholic col­lege sweet­heart broke her heart, the sur­pris­ing salve for her sad­ness appears when she stum­bles into the Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty of Skok­ie, Illi­nois. Ten years lat­er, Sal­ly is a moth­er of three, mar­ried to Bar­ry Lieber­man, and enam­ored with the rou­tine and beau­ty of her reli­gious lifestyle. But when her eldest son suf­fers abuse at school, she is jarred by her husband’s response. And that’s exact­ly when her lost col­lege love finds her online, pro­vid­ing a con­ve­nient escape from her trou­bles. Sud­den­ly, every­thing is falling apart, and Sal­ly can’t find any reprieve, or res­o­lu­tion– not even hit­ting the trails for her favorite runs along Lake Michi­gan.

Will she lose the hap­py life she’s worked so hard to build, or could this shake­up be just what she needs to final­ly define her life for her­self? 

Woman of Val­or is a sto­ry about the courage to love the ordi­nary and seek sat­is­fac­tion where you are while shed­ding the need to please others.

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