
Yochanan’s Gam­ble: Judais­m’s Prag­mat­ic Approach to Life

  • Review
By – December 31, 2024

The Tal­mud relates that dur­ing the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans, Rab­ban Yochanan ben Zakkai escaped from the city to meet the con­queror Ves­pasian, the soon-to-be emper­or of Rome. Rec­og­niz­ing that Jerusalem was doomed for destruc­tion, Yochanan plead­ed for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to spare the town of Yavneh and its lead­er­ship. This prag­mat­ic request allowed the rab­bis to rebuild Judaism after the destruc­tion of the Tem­ple (B.T. Git­tin 56).

It is from this nar­ra­tive that Rab­bi Marc Katz of Tem­ple Ner Tamid in Bloom­field, New Jer­sey builds the argu­ment of his newest book, Yochanan’s Gam­ble. Katz asserts that the rab­bis were the ulti­mate prag­ma­tists. His review of rab­binic prag­ma­tism is unique, because while most books on the sub­ject rely on the sto­ries of the Tal­mud as proof texts, Katz mines both rab­binic nar­ra­tives and law. His con­clu­sion sug­gests that the rab­bis priv­i­leged com­pro­mise and sub­tle­ty over intran­si­gence and stri­den­cy.” Yochanan’s Gam­ble recasts the prag­mat­ic strain of rab­binic thought as an authen­tic Jew­ish strat­e­gy we too can employ to add nuance to our moral deci­sion mak­ing.” Katz’s argu­ment evolves in nine chap­ters, each of which draws on exam­ples from rab­binic sources to demon­strate how the rab­bis nav­i­gat­ed the world with prag­ma­tism — while also rec­og­niz­ing the dan­ger of its misuse.

In chap­ter three, Katz con­sid­ers a kind of prag­ma­tism that should guide us in mat­ters of rebuke. While the Torah demands that we not hate your kins­man in your heart. Reprove your kins­man but incur no guilt on their account” (Leviti­cus 19:17), an inter­change between Rab­bis Zeira and Shi­mon sug­gests that this com­mand­ment is flex­i­ble. When Rab­bi Zeira con­fronts his teacher, Rab­bi Shi­mon, about rebuk­ing the Exi­larch, the leader of the Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ty in Baby­lo­nia, Rab­bi Shi­mon refus­es, fear­ing that such an act would cause more dam­age than good (B.T. Shab­bat 55a). In a lat­er pas­sage, despite the Torah com­mand­ment, and in agree­ment with Rab­bi Shi­mon, the rab­bis state that just as it is a mitz­vah for a per­son to say that which will be heed­ed, so is it a mitz­vah for a per­son not to say that which will not be heed­ed” (B.T. Yeva­mot 65b).

How the rab­bis bal­ance the sanc­ti­ty of the Torah and inno­v­a­tive inter­pre­ta­tion that remains authen­tic and author­i­ta­tive” is the focus of chap­ter sev­en. Katz explains that the rab­bis often employed cre­ative mis-read­ings” of bib­li­cal texts. When Rab­bi Yochanan ben Zakkai and Rab­bi Joshua ben Hana­ni­ah were lament­ing the destruc­tion of Jerusalem, and Rab­bi Joshua empha­sized that atone­ment was now impos­si­ble, Rab­bi Yochanan per­formed a non-con­tex­tu­al read­ing of Hosea chap­ter 6, verse 6 to prove that acts of gemi­lut hasadim, lov­ingkind­ness, can still bring atone­ment (Avot D’Rabbi Natan 4:5).

Yochanan’s Gam­ble offers read­ers a valu­able win­dow into rab­binic inno­va­tion. It allows us to see the ways in which tra­di­tion­al Jew­ish thought is com­mit­ted to ensur­ing that the Jew­ish peo­ple can ade­quate­ly respond to the demands of a giv­en moment. Katz’s book is simul­ta­ne­ous­ly valu­able to read­ers with pri­or knowl­edge of Jew­ish texts and acces­si­ble to begin­ners who are will­ing to take a deep dive into the world of the rabbis.

Jonathan Fass is the Senior Man­ag­ing Direc­tor of RootOne at The Jew­ish Edu­ca­tion Project of New York.

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