
Your Sto­ry, Well Told: Cre­ative Strate­gies to Devel­op and Per­form Sto­ries that Wow an Audience

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

We’ve all got sto­ries to tell, but how do you make your sto­ry the best sto­ry? In Your Sto­ry, Well Told, Moth vet­er­an and mas­ter teacher, Corey Rosen, inspires you to get on stage and tell your sto­ry. Using the best sto­ry­telling tech­niques from impro­vi­sa­tion­al the­atre, Rosen designs an acces­si­ble guide for all ages and skill lev­els. Craft­ed to help ordi­nary peo­ple tell extra­or­di­nary sto­ries, this laugh-out-loud hand­book cov­ers every­thing from how to tell a good sto­ry to going off-script.

The best sto­ry­telling uses impro­vi­sa­tion to enthrall, enter­tain, and keep audi­ences on edge. Laugh along with tales of per­for­mance tri­umphs (and dis­as­ters) and explore ways to tell your sto­ry with con­fi­dence and spon­tane­ity. From brain­storm­ing and devel­op­ment to per­for­mance and mem­o­riza­tion tech­niques, you’ll learn how to tell a good sto­ry with:
 — A vari­ety of struc­tures and edit­ing approach­es that bring out your best story
 — Broad­ly-test­ed improv exer­cis­es to stim­u­late cre­ativ­i­ty with­out feel­ing foolish
 — Quick and easy lessons on build­ing sto­ries to tell

Discussion Questions