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Essay The Previous Tenant Earlier this week, Julia Dahl explained why she writes about crime. Her debut novel, Invisible City (Minotaur Books), is now available. She will be blogging here for… Julia Dahl May 7, 2014
Essay Why I Write About Crime Julia Dahl writes about crime and criminal justice for She was born and raised in Fresno, Calif. and now lives in Brooklyn, NY. Her debut novel, Invisible… Julia Dahl May 5, 2014
Essay The Risks of Being Mistaken for a Character This week, David Schmahmann, the author of The Double Life of Alfred Buber, Empire Settings, and Ivory From Paradise, blogs for The Postscript on the risk of being… David Schmahmann April 29, 2014
Essay A Ghetto in the Middle of a City Yesterday, Gwen Edelman wrote about a recent visit to Warsaw. Her most recent novel, The Train to Warsaw (Grove Press), is now available. She will be blogging here… Gwen Edelman April 24, 2014
Essay Bernard Malamud at 100: The Wrong Writer for Our Age by Boris FishmanThis essay appeared in somewhat different form on the website of The Center for Fiction.Bernard Malamud (1914−1986) is the wrong writer for our age. Today’s… Boris Fishman April 23, 2014
Essay In My Characters’ Shoes Gwen Edelman’s first novel, War Story, was translated into eight languages, won the Prix du Premier Roman Etranger in France, and was a Koret Jewish Book Award… Gwen Edelman April 23, 2014