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Essay My Pekar Years JT Waldman is the author ofNot the Israel My Parents Promised Me and Megillat Esther. Visit his official websitehere. He will be be blogging here all week for Jewish… JT Waldman July 2, 2012
Essay Albert Einstein: A Highly Committed Jew by Heritage and Origin Earlier this week, Harry Ostrer wrote about a series of scientists who contributed to our contemporary understanding of Jewishness. He has been blogging here… Harry Ostrer July 1, 2012
Essay Arthur Mourant: It’s All In the Blood Earlier this week, Harry Ostrer wrote about a series of scientists who contributed to our contemporary understanding of Jewishness. He will be blogging here… Harry Ostrer June 29, 2012
Essay Sarah’s Key, Mary’s Secrets, and Truth That’s Stranger Than Fiction Earlier this week, Lois Leveen wrote about what makes a book Jewish. She has been blogging here all week for Jewish Book Council and… Lois Leveen June 28, 2012
Essay Chaim Sheba: Identifying Founder Effects for Jewish Genetic Diseases In Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People, Harry Ostrer wrote about a series of scientists who contributed to our contemporary understanding of… Harry Ostrer June 27, 2012
Essay Funny, You Don’t Book Jewish Lois Leveen’s newest novel, The Secrets of Mary Bowser, is now available. She will be blogging here all week for Jewish Book Council and MyJewishLearning.There’s… Lois Leveen June 26, 2012