This piece is one of an ongo­ing series that we will be shar­ing in the com­ing days from Israeli authors and authors in Israel.

It is crit­i­cal to under­stand his­to­ry not just through the books that will be writ­ten lat­er, but also through the first-hand tes­ti­monies and real-time account­ing of events as they occur. At Jew­ish Book Coun­cil, we under­stand the val­ue of these writ­ten tes­ti­mo­ni­als and of shar­ing these indi­vid­ual expe­ri­ences. It’s more impor­tant now than ever to give space to these voic­es and narratives.

Some­one died tonight

some­one who has a mother

and who was born per­fect like a kiss

Some­one who washed her beau­ti­ful face

plain like our face in the mirror

died among us at the edge of the night

She squeezed her way eas­i­ly into the dress of night

and danced all night a star in her hair

and when the night was over she died with­out reason

Some­one who donned socks ear­ly in the morning

his head bent for a moment close to the heart of the ground

who then got up to go work in his cot­ton socks

A girl

died at the end of the night how can it be

that the night did not die with her

The views and opin­ions expressed above are those of the author, based on their obser­va­tions and experiences.

Sup­port the work of Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and become a mem­ber today.

Anat Levin is a poet, edi­tor and teacher of cre­ative writ­ing. A grad­u­ate of the Pardes Fel­low­ship of the Nation­al Library of Israel in Jerusalem, 2018 she is a recip­i­ent of the Prime Min­is­ter’s Prize for Hebrew Writ­ers, 2019. Levin has pub­lished three poet­ry books and one nov­el. Her poems have been trans­lat­ed into sev­er­al lan­guages and pub­lished in antholo­gies and jour­nals in Israel and around the world. 

Shoshana Oli­dort is a crit­ic, writer, and trans­la­tor. She holds a PhD in com­par­a­tive lit­er­a­ture from Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty and is the web edi­tor for the Poet­ry Foun­da­tion. Shoshana’s work, includ­ing essays, book reviews, trans­la­tions, inter­views, and poems, has appeared in Asymp­tote, the Colum­bia Jour­nalElec­tric Lit­er­a­tureLitHub, the Paris Review Dai­ly, Pub­lic Books, and the Times Lit­er­ary Sup­ple­ment, among oth­er outlets.