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Nonfiction Chicken Soup for the Jewish Soul Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Rabbi Dov Peretz Elkins, eds.
Nonfiction The Modern Men’s Torah Commentary: New Insights from Jewish Men on the 54 Weekly Torah Portions Rabbi Jeffrey K. Salkin, ed.
Nonfiction God of Our Understanding: Jewish Spirituality and Recovery from Addiction Rabbi Shais Taub
Nonfiction Kosher Chinese: Living, Teaching, and Eating with China’s Other Billion Michael Levy
Nonfiction Beyond the Façade: A Synagogue, A Restoration, A Legacy Larry Bortniker, Roberta Brandes Gratz, and Bonnie Dimun
Nonfiction Last Days in Babylon: The History of a Family, The Story of a Nation Marina Benjamin
Nonfiction Being Jewish: The Spiritual and Cultural Practice of Judaism Today Ari L. Goldman