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Nonfiction For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy Through the Arts in the Digital Age Jessica Roda
Nonfiction From Meidelach to Matriarchs: A Journal: Jewish Women of Yesteryear to Inspire Your Today Mirta Ines Trupp
Nonfiction Biblical Women Speak: Hearing Their Voices through New and Ancient Midrash Marla Feldman
Nonfiction Heroines, Rescuers, Rabbis, Spies: Unsung Women of the Holocaust Sarah Silberstein Swartz
Children’s A Place to Belong: Debbie Friedman Sings Her Way Home Deborah Lakritz; Julie Castano, illus.
Children’s A Perfect Fit: How Lena “Lane” Bryant Changed the Shape of Fashion Mara Rockliff; Juana Martinez-Neal, illus.
Nonfiction Zelda Popkin: The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer Jeremy D. Popkin
Nonfiction Living with the Law: Gender and Community Among the Jews of Medieval Egypt Oded Zinger
Children’s Sally Opened Doors: The Story of the First Woman Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso; Margeaux Lucas, illus.