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Nonfiction The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South Michael W. Twitty
Nonfiction Jocie: Southern Jewish American Princess, Civil Rights Activist Jocelyn Dan Wurzburg
Essay Five Historic Jewish Communities You’ve (Probably) Never Heard Of Shari Rabin December 19, 2017
Nonfiction Play It Again, Sam: The Notable Life of Sam Massell, Atlanta’s First Minority Mayor Charles Mcnair
Essay The Mystical Experience of an Uncertain Space Gavriel Savit is an author and actor whose work in both fields has taken him on travels across the world. With the release of his debut novel, Anna and the Swallow Man, this… Gavriel Savit January 24, 2016
Nonfiction The Hands of Peace: A Holocaust Survivor’s Fight for Civil Rights in the American South Marione Ingram
Nonfiction God’ll Cut You Down: The Tangled Tale of A White Supremacist, A Black Hustler, A Murder, And How I Lost A Year In Mississippi John Safran
Essay Discovering the Pinch: Part I Steve Stern, winner of the National Jewish Book Award, is the author of several previous novels and story collections, including The Book of Mischief and The Frozen… Steve Stern July 27, 2015
Essay Dry Goods Merchant and Freedom Fighter: Samuel Fleishman of Marianna, FL Earlier this week, Sabra Waldfogel wrote about the Jews who lived in Mound Bayou. Her most recent book is Freedom’s Island, about an all-black Mississippi town menaced… Sabra Waldfogel July 9, 2015
Essay The Jews of Mound Bayou Sabra Waldfogel writes historical fiction about Southern Jews and African Americans in slavery and freedom. Her most recent book, Freedom’s Island, about an all-black… Sabra Waldfogel July 6, 2015