Close Jewish Book Council, founded in 1943, is the longest-running organization devoted exclusively to the support and celebration of Jewish literature. Get the latest reviews, news, and more in your inbox. Invalid email address
Interview—From the Journal Tröö Happiness: A Conversation with Gary Shteyngart and Claire Stanford Stephanie Butnick May 22, 2023
Interview Secrecy, Silence, and Storytelling: A Conversation with Dani Shapiro Simona Zaretsky May 15, 2023
Nonfiction The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions Jonathan Rosen
Recommended Reading A Basket of Purim Goodies: Stories about the Holiday for Young Readers and Families Michal Hoschander Malen March 3, 2023
Children’s An Invitation to Passover Rabbi Kerry Olitzky and Rabbi Deborah Bodin Cohen; Mariia Kolker, illus.