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Nonfiction Red Orchestra: The Story of the Berlin Underground and the Circle of Friends who Resisted Hitler Anne Nelson
Nonfiction The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany Susannah Heschel
Nonfiction Contesting Histories: German and Jewish Americans and the Legacy of the Holocaust Michael Schuldiner
Nonfiction An American in Hitler’s Berlin: Abraham Plotkin’s Diary, 1932 – 33 Catherine Collomp and Bruno Groppo, eds. and intro.
Nonfiction In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler’s Berlin Erik Larson
Nonfiction Jewish Life in Nazi Germany: Dilemmas and Responses Francis R. Nicosia and David Scrase, eds.
Nonfiction Jews and the Making of Modern German Theatre Jeanette R. Malkin and Freddie Rokem, eds.
Nonfiction The Frankfurt Judengasse: Jewish Life in an Early Modern German City Fritz Backhaus, Gisela Engel, Robert Liberles and Margarete Schlüter, eds.
Nonfiction Reconstructing Ashkenaz: The Human Face of Franco-German Jewry, 1000 – 1250 David Malkiel
Nonfiction Jews in Nazi Berlin: From Kristallnacht to Liberation Beate Meyer, Hermann Simon, Chana Schutz
Nonfiction Germans into Jews: Remaking the Jewish Social Body in the Weimar Republic Sharon Gillerman
Nonfiction They Dared Return: The True Story of Jewish Spies Behind the Lines in Nazi Germany Patrick K. O’Donnell