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Nonfiction From Generation to Generation: Healing Intergenerational Trauma Through Storytelling Emily Wanderer Cohen
Nonfiction Life Falls Apart But You Don’t Have To: Mindful Methods for Staying Calm in the Midst of Chaos Julie Potiker
Essay Writing a Guide to Jewish Pastoral Counseling Drs. Michelle Friedman and Rachel Yehuda are the co-authors of The Art of Jewish Pastoral Counseling: A Guide for All Faiths. With the holiday season approaching,… Michelle Friedman, Rachel Yehuda November 22, 2016
Children’s My Friend the Worrier: Conquering Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Rifka Schonfeld; Yoel Judowitz, illus.
Essay Coping with Coming Home Leah Lax joined the Hasidic community when she was sixteen years old, leaving thirty years later and coming out as a lesbian. She shares her experience in her… Leah Lax September 14, 2015
Essay Learning the True Value of My Thoughts Earlier this week, Carla Naumburg wrote about mindfulness, parenting, and her first book Parenting in the Present Moment. She has been blogging here all week for… Carla Naumburg October 23, 2014