Close Jewish Book Council, founded in 1943, is the longest-running organization devoted exclusively to the support and celebration of Jewish literature. Get the latest reviews, news, and more in your inbox. Invalid email address
From the Journal In the Beginning the Neighborhood Girls Read Philip Roth Drunk in Their Baths Allison Pitinii Davis February 11, 2019
Interview An Interview with Jake Marmer by Lucy Biederman I recently spoke with Jake Marmer about his excellent new volume of poetry, The Neighbor Out of Sound. We talked about form, his immigration… Lucy Biederman October 23, 2018
Essay Writing the Jewish Rust Belt I suspect that there are readers like me who find nothing strange about love and Spinoza, about Coors Light and Treblinka. Allison Pitinii Davis April 16, 2018
Essay Why I Write in Yiddish When I write in Yiddish, I’m placing my own small flag, however tattered, however imperfect, in the realm of new Yiddish literature. Yermiyahu Ahron Taub March 12, 2018
Essay Amichai’s Jerusalem The best guide to this strange place called Jerusalem might be Yehuda Amichai, a poet whose work seems permanently suspended between the secular and sacred. Ari Hoffman December 18, 2017
Essay The So-Called Rules of Language, Literature, and Baseball Richard Michelson February 20, 2017
Nonfiction Homeless Tongues: Poetry and Languages of the Sephardic Diaspora Monique Rodrigues Balbuena