In 1942, Hania Stern witnesses the horrors of Warsaw Ghetto. Hers is the story of a soul lost, and a soul found.
In 1968 Pawel Weisz, an avant-garde Warsaw composer, knows little of his own history. At a time of anti-Semitism purges, Pawel falls in a forbidden love with a radical young Jewish violinist. But theirs is a love leading to loss and exile while Polish State Security watches and waits.
And in 2006, Warsaw actor Agnieska Janiec discovers at the death of her Grandmother secrets that lead to a journey of discovery: about her Grandmother, about Warsaw in the Ghetto years, about those lost, those found.
A Requiem For Hania is a story of identity, of loss, of rediscovery, a story about friendship, about music that illuminates our common humanity, about the pain of the past and the potential for the present to heal. It is finally a story of where we have come from and just perhaps where we are going.

A Requiem for Hania
- From the Publisher
September 1, 2021
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