
Ari’s Spoon

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Ari’s Spoon is the his­tor­i­cal tale of a young Catholic surgeon’s jour­ney after he finds a sil­ver spoon hid­den in the hem of his daughter’s bap­tismal gown, a fam­i­ly heir­loom from his Pol­ish grand­fa­ther, engraved with Ari Holm­berg, War­saw, 1943.” The dis­cov­ery trans­ports him from con­tem­po­rary Indi­anapo­lis to the War­saw ghet­to dur­ing World War II, from under­ground bunkers to oper­at­ing rooms, and from the safe­ty of home to the Tre­blin­ka death camp, and for­ev­er trans­forms his life.

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