
Aces Wild

  • Review
By – May 13, 2013

Zel­ly is back and so are Ace, her Grand­pa and Ace, her dog, in anoth­er rol­lick­ing adven­ture by author Eri­ca S. Perl. Zel­ly final­ly got her dog at the end of Perl’s first book in the series, When Life Gives You O.J. But, as the title of this book implies, Ace-the-dog is wild. So wild, in fact, that he is the one stum­bling block to Zelly’s cur­rent heart’s desire: hav­ing a sleep­over at her home. It seems that every time a class­mate has a sleep­over, Zel­ly is not invit­ed. Why? Appar­ent­ly, it’s because she hasn’t invit­ed the girls to a sleep­over at her house yet. But her moth­er has made it very clear — no sleep­over until Ace-the-dog pass­es obe­di­ence school.

Zel­ly takes her dog to the required train­ing ses­sions with the only per­son avail­able to accom­pa­ny her, her grand­pa. But Ace-the-grand­pa cre­ates even more mishe­gas when he decides to start dat­ing again, despite his doctor’s orders to take it easy. The ten­sion mounts, as nei­ther Ace-the-dog nor Ace-the-grand­pa will lis­ten to any­thing Zel­ly says. Will she ever get to have her sleepover?

Aces Wild is an enter­tain­ing book filled with the hilar­i­ous escapades of Zel­ly, her grand­pa, and her dog. It is thor­ough­ly enjoy­able and high­ly rec­om­mend for ages 8 – 12.

Mar­cia Ber­neger is a retired teacher who lives with her hus­band and three crazy dogs. She taught both first and sec­ond grade, as well as spe­cial edu­ca­tion. She cur­rent­ly teach­es Torah school, in addi­tion to her vol­un­teer work in class­rooms, libraries, and with var­i­ous fundrais­ers. She lives in San Diego.

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