
Chick­en Wars: A Tale of Love and Poultry

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

Jack Fogel always want­ed to work in TV, not run the fam­i­ly busi­ness. He thought he’d escaped until his father’s heart attack sad­dles him with Fogel’s Kosher Chick­ens, an oper­a­tion built by his grand­fa­ther and mired in the past.

Years lat­er, divorced with two per­pet­u­al­ly dis­ap­point­ed teenage daugh­ters and a moth­er insis­tent he fund her expen­sive lifestyle, he finds him­self at war with busi­ness rival Lionel Gut­ter­man, a for­mer employ­ee now pre­pared to use uneth­i­cal tac­tics to exact revenge.

Lone­ly and mis­er­able, he meets Sonia Lewis on a blind date. When she reveals she owns a veg­an café, Jack pan­ics and does­n’t quite tell the truth about what he does. As their rela­tion­ship blos­soms, the lie becomes more dif­fi­cult to sus­tain. With increas­ing­ly unpre­dictable attacks from Lionel, he faces per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al destruc­tion unless he works out how the truth can save him.

Chick­en Wars is a roman­tic com­e­dy about the con­flicts we must over­come to accept who we are. For Jack, the prize is love or poul­try. Can it be both?

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